Track mobile number's exact location on Google map

mobile number location tracker

There are lots of websites available in the market which guarantee you to track mobile number's exact location, but this didn't happened . The website only shows you the State and the mobile operator's name . My this trick will work only on Android mobile .

ios password cracking

Elcomsoft’s iOS Forensic Toolkit ( helps you to crack iOS password.
1. Buying the Software is very costly so download it from torrent click here .
2. Plug your iPhone/iPod/iPad into computer and place it into Device Firmware Upgrade (DFU) mode. To enter DFU mode, simply power off your device, hold down the Home button and sleep button simultaneously for around 10 seconds, and continue holding down the Home button for another 10 seconds. Your mobile device screen goes blank.

How to download apk files on Computer from Google play store

My this post will help you to download android application files on your computer. To do this just follow these steps:-
1. Open Dial er on your android set and type *#*#8255#*#* , after dialing this number a window will be prompted displaying various details. You will also see your device id just note it down.

Facebook Hacking with intelligence

Many people all over the world always want to know how to hack Facebook account. For getting their answers, they always search Google How to hack Facebook account and Google list a number of website .

Gmail Hacking With Backtrack

gmail hacking

Many of my friends always asked me how to hack Gmail account,  so i decided that  my next post will be on Gmail hacking . To hack a Gmail account you will require Backtrack machine or any other Linux Distribution.

Reset password Using Chntpw

Password resetting is a technique that allows an attacker to overwrite the SAM file and create a new password for any user on a modern Windows system. This process can be performed without ever knowing the original password, although it does require you to have physical access to the machine.

Linux password recovery

Linux password reset

There are many ways for resetting a root password in Linux. Linux OS provides many options at the boot time. I am performing this whole attack  on Ubuntu 13.04 which is the latest one Linux distribution available in the market .

Trojan horses : Definition

trojan horses definition

Trojan horses are rarely used in penetration tests. However they constitute a large portion of the post exploitation process . For more information about Trojan horses, please visit the wikipedia link.

John The Ripper

john the ripper password cracking windows

John the Ripper is a fast password cracker, currently available for many flavors of Unix, Windows, DOS etc. Its primary purpose is to detect weak passwords. JTR can be used to crack LM hashes and NTLM hashes.To download john the ripper click here .

DNS Spoofing using Ettercap

dns spoofing

DNS spoofing is a attack in which the attacker poisoned the arp cache and DNS server of the victim and redirect his requested URL to a malicious website. For more details about DNS Spoofing please click here for the Wikipedia link.

Windows 7 password bypass

windows 7 password hack

My this post is about how to bypass Windows 7 password security easily without any trouble.To bypass windows 7 log in password you will need a USB thumb drive (for making it bootable) and a software click here to download .

ARP Spoofing Attack

Arp-spoofing attack

ARP spoofing is a dangerous attack vector. It is very easy to implement and can have disastrous effects on a local network. If you do not know the difference between the switch and a hub, or if you are unfamiliar with the concept of ARP spoofing, please visit the following links: wikipedia & Oxid it .