Bash Scripting

bash scripting

Today we will talk on bash scripting. The BASH shell (or any other shell) is a very powerful scripting environment. Many times we need to automate certain time consuming  and repetitive tasks, on such situations bash scripting is very helpful.
Suppose you were given task of collecting server names of a website say with minimum traffic generation.While browsing the site, you notice that their main page contains links to many of their services which are located on different servers. The exercise requires Linux BASH text manipulation in order to extract all the server names from the website's  main page.
First download the website's main page to your machine by simply issuing the command wget

Let's extract the lines containing the string “href=”, indicating that this line contains an http link.

This is still a mess .We split this line using a “/” delimiter, the 3rd field should contain our server

In this way we can extract server information from the website main page if you want further filtering
type command:-
grep "href=" filename.html | cut -d"/" -f3| grep| sort -u 
Here "|" is a filter in linux which filters the data as per your requirement.
Now we save the list of url to a text file by issuing the command
grep "href=" filename.html | cut -d"/" -f3| grep| sort -u >mysite.txt