Installing BackTrack

backtrack installation steps

In the last post i showed you how to install virtual box and after that setting up environment
for BackTrack. Today i will show you how to install BackTrack on Virtual machine.

Installing BackTrack on the virtual disk image

1.  Open the VirtualBox Manager and select Let's_Hack guest machine on the left of the
     screen. Click on the large Start .
2.  Your machine will now boot up. As far we have not selected an image to be used to
     boot the system with, we will need to select this using the menu options that will appear
     prior to the initial system initialization.
3.  The First Run Wizard will only appear the virtual machine is started. It allows you to choose
     the ISO you wish to boot up from.
4.  It is also possible to add the installation media in the Virtual Machine Settings in the Storage
5.  Click on Next to continue.
7.  On the Select Installation Media screen you will need to set the location of the BackTrack iso
     file which you have downloaded. Click on Next when ready.
8.  Click on Start .
9.  Type startx at the root@root:~# prompt.

10.Now that we have the BackTrack ISO up and running on our virtual machine, Now click on
     the Install BackTrack icon to begin the short installation process:
11.Select your preferred language and click on Forward.
12.Select your location date and time.Click on Forward to continue.
13.Select your preferred keyboard layout and click on Forward.
14.Choose the Erase and use the entire disk radial button and click on Forward.
15.Click on Install to initialize the changes. This may take a few minutes to complete.
16.When the install has finished you will be required to reboot the system. Click on the
      Restart Now button and then unload the ISO. You will need to choose Devices >
      CD/DVD Devices> BackTrack Iso file name.This will eject the ISO image before
      the system reboots. Press Enter to reboot.