Introduction to Hacking

Before we begin i introduce myself i am Amit Kumar Gupta a B.Tech Engineer from  IIIT-Calcutta(India).I assumes that you all have a little bit knowledge of programming languages like c, python, Perl, or java and little bit shell scripting.One thing always remember that it's the logic that matters in any programming language not its syntax.

You must have a good knowledge of Networking and little bit knowledge of Database.So, According to me if you are not clear with the above Concept or you have doubt please read these topics thoroughly and understand the underlying concepts.I am saying all these nonsense just because in my childhood i read a proverb that "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing".
Let's Go to learn hacking....
Before we begin let's set up up lab for experiments.You must download tools like BackTrack,
or Kali linux Os because it includes all the tools that a hacker required, Virtual box or
Workstation.You can download above files by simply asking Google.
Installing VirtualBox
At this point in time the Windows operating system is the most common desktop operating
system, thus I am discussing the installation of VirtualBox using Windows 7.
1.  Go to
2.  Click on the Downloads link on the left side of the page.
3.  Download the latest version of VirtualBox for Windows hosts 32 or 64 bit.
4.  Begin the installation (you may need to begin the installation as administrator
     depending on your system configuration).
5.  Click on Next> at the initial setup window.
6.  Ensure that the installation location is where you would like the program to be
     installed and that all options to be installed are selected and click on Next>.
7.  Select the options you prefer in regards to desktop shortcuts and click on Next >.
8.  Click on Yes if you would like to proceed with the installation using the settings 
     you selected on the previous screens.
9.  Click on Install to proceed with installation. 
10.Click on Finish to be presented with the Oracle VirtualBox Manager.You will now 
     have VirtualBox up and running.

Preparing Virtual machine for Backtrack
There are two methods of installing BackTrack on a virtualBox. One is to use the
LiveCD ISO to install BackTrack just as you would on a physical machine;the other
is to download a pre-prepared virtual machine. This is the VMWare image option
seen on the download site.
1.  Download iso image of Backtrack 32/64 bit as per your machine configuration from .
2.  Start the Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager by selecting it from your Start menu.
3.  Click on the New icon in the top-left corner.
4.  At the Welcome to the New Virtual Machine Wizard screen click on the Next button.
5.  You will be prompted to enter the name of the guest machine. Enter Let's_Hack, select
      Linux as the Operating System, and Linux 2.6 (32 bit or 64 bit) as the Version, and then
      click on Next.
6.  On the Memory screen you will need to choose a Base Memory Size using the slider.
     If your system has more than 2 GB of RAM you should use at least 512 on Next.
7.  Virtual Hard Disk: Ensure that the Start-Up Disk checkbox is selected and the Create new
      hard disk radial button is also selected and click on Next.
8.  A new pop up will open in which VDI (VirtualBox Disk Image) should be selected. Click
     on Next.
9.  Select the Virtual disk storage details choose Dynamically allocated and continue the
     installation by clicking on Next.
10. Now select the Location where the virtual guest machines files will be stored.
11. Ensure that the drive you have chosen has sufficient space to store several virtual machines.
12. Size the virtual disk to be at least 10 GB.Click on Next to continue.
13. click on Create.
14. You have successfully create virtual machine.